

package http

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. http
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait AbstractScreen extends Factory

    The trait that forms the basis for LiftScreen and the Screen instances in Wizard

  2. case class AcceptedResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults with Product with Serializable

    202 response but without body.

  3. case class ActionMessageSet(msg: List[() ⇒ Any], req: Req) extends CometMessage with Product with Serializable

  4. case class AddAListener(who: SimpleActor[Any], shouldUpdate: PartialFunction[Any, Boolean]) extends Product with Serializable

    This is a message class for use with ListenerManager and CometListener instances.

  5. case class AjaxContext(success: Box[String], failure: Box[String], responseType: AjaxType.Value) extends Product with Serializable

  6. case class AnswerQuestion(what: Any, listeners: List[(ListenerId, (AnswerRender) ⇒ Unit)]) extends CometMessage with Product with Serializable

  7. case class AnswerRender(response: XmlOrJsCmd, who: LiftCometActor, when: Long, displayAll: Boolean) extends CometMessage with Product with Serializable

  8. case class AskQuestion(what: Any, who: LiftCometActor, listeners: List[(ListenerId, (AnswerRender) ⇒ Unit)]) extends CometMessage with Product with Serializable

  9. case class AtomCategoryResponse(xml: Node) extends LiftResponse with Product with Serializable

    Returning an Atom category document.

  10. case class AtomCreatedResponse(xml: Node) extends LiftResponse with Product with Serializable

    The Atom entity was successfully created and is shown to the client.

  11. case class AtomResponse(xml: Node, addlHeaders: List[(String, String)] = XmlResponse.addlHeaders) extends XmlNodeResponse with Product with Serializable

    Returning an Atom document.

  12. case class AtomServiceResponse(xml: Node) extends LiftResponse with Product with Serializable

    Returning an Atom Service Document.

  13. case class BadGatewayResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults with Product with Serializable

    502 Bad Gateway

  14. case class BadResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults with Product with Serializable

    400 Bad Request

  15. sealed trait BasicResponse extends LiftResponse

  16. trait BlankStatelessBehavior extends StatelessBehavior

    A "default" implementation of StatelessBehavior.

  17. final case class BodyOrInputStream(is: InputStream) extends Product with Serializable

    Holds either the body or the request input stream, depending on which was requested first

  18. trait BooleanField extends FieldIdentifier

  19. abstract class Bootable extends AnyRef

  20. final case class BreakOut() extends Product with Serializable

  21. case class CSSResponse(text: String, headers: List[(String, String)], code: Int) extends LiftResponse with Product with Serializable

  22. case class CVP(guid: String, version: Long) extends CometVersionPair with Product with Serializable

  23. trait CleanRequestVarOnSessionTransition extends AnyRef

  24. trait CometActor extends LiftActor with LiftCometActor with BindHelpers

    Takes care of the plumbing for building Comet-based Web Apps

  25. abstract class CometActorJ extends LiftActorJ with CometActor

    Subclass from this class if you're in Java-land and want a CometActor

  26. abstract class CometActorJWithCometListener extends CometActorJ with CometListener

    Subclass from this class if you want a CometActorJ with CometListeners

  27. final case class CometCreationInfo(contType: String, name: Box[String], defaultXml: NodeSeq, attributes: Map[String, String], session: LiftSession) extends Product with Serializable

    A case class that contains the information necessary to set up a CometActor

  28. trait CometListener extends CometActor

    This trait adds functionality to automatically register with a given Actor using AddAListener and RemoveAListener control messages.

  29. sealed abstract class CometMessage extends AnyRef

  30. case class CometName(name: String) extends Product with Serializable

  31. trait CometState[DeltaType <: DeltaTrait, MyType <: CometState[DeltaType, MyType]] extends AnyRef

  32. trait CometStateWithUpdate[UpdateType, DeltaType <: DeltaTrait, MyType <: CometStateWithUpdate[UpdateType, DeltaType, MyType]] extends CometState[DeltaType, MyType]

  33. trait CometVersionPair extends AnyRef

    Holds the Comet identification information

  34. trait ContainerSerializer[T] extends AnyRef

    A trait that provides *actual* serialization of a type so that the type can be stored into a container's session and be migrated across servers

  35. abstract class ContainerVar[T] extends util.AnyVar[T, ContainerVar[T]] with LazyLoggable

    A typesafe container for data with a lifetime nominally equivalent to the lifetime of HttpSession attributes.

  36. final case class ContentType(theType: String, subtype: String, order: Int, q: Box[Double], extension: List[(String, String)]) extends Ordered[ContentType] with Product with Serializable

    Holds information about the content type and subtype including the q parameter and extension information.

  37. class ContinueResponseException extends LiftFlowOfControlException

    This exception is used by LiftSession.

  38. case class CreatedResponse(xml: Node, mime: String, addlHeaders: List[(String, String)] = XmlResponse.addlHeaders) extends XmlNodeResponse with Product with Serializable

    201 Created Response

  39. trait CssBoundLiftScreen extends LiftScreen with CssBoundScreen

  40. trait CssBoundScreen extends ScreenWizardRendered with Loggable

  41. abstract class Delta extends AnyRef

  42. trait DeltaTrait extends AnyRef

  43. trait DispatchSnippet extends AnyRef

  44. case class Error(id: Box[String], msg: NodeSeq) extends CometMessage with Product with Serializable

  45. trait Factory extends SimpleInjector

    A base trait for a Factory.

  46. case class FieldBinding(fieldName: String, bindingStyle: BindingStyle) extends Product with Serializable

  47. abstract class FileParamHolder extends ParamHolder with Serializable

    A FileParamHolder contains a file uploaded via a multipart form.

  48. case class ForbiddenResponse(message: String) extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults with Product with Serializable

    403 Forbidden

  49. trait FormVendor extends AnyRef

  50. class GUIDJsExp extends JsExp

    A long time ago, Lift was going to track every function/GUID combination vended to a web page with extreme granularity.

  51. abstract class GenericValidator extends XHtmlValidator with Loggable

  52. case class GoneResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults with Product with Serializable

    410 Resource Gone

  53. trait HeaderDefaults extends AnyRef

  54. trait HowStateful extends AnyRef

    A trait defining how stateful the session is

  55. final case class Html5Properties(userAgent: Box[String]) extends HtmlProperties with Product with Serializable

    If you're going to use HTML5, then this is the set of properties to use

  56. trait HtmlProperties extends AnyRef

    This trait encapsulates the various choices related to parsing and emitting HTML/XHTML

  57. trait IdMemoizeTransform extends (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq

    A mechanism to memoize a transformation and then re-use the most recent html and ID to redraw the content or even use an Ajax call to update the content

  58. class InMemFileParamHolder extends FileParamHolder

    This FileParamHolder stores the uploaded file directly into memory.

  59. final case class InMemoryResponse(data: Array[Byte], headers: List[(String, String)], cookies: List[HTTPCookie], code: Int) extends BasicResponse with Product with Serializable

  60. trait InsecureLiftView extends AnyRef

    If a class is to be used as a lift view (rendering from code rather than a static template) and the method names are to be used as "actions", the view must be marked as "InsecureLiftView" because there exists the ability to execute arbitrary methods based on wire content

  61. trait IntField extends FieldIdentifier

  62. case class InternalServerErrorResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults with Product with Serializable

    500 Internal Server Error

  63. case class JavaScriptResponse(js: JsCmd, headers: List[(String, String)], cookies: List[HTTPCookie], code: Int) extends LiftResponse with Product with Serializable

    Impersonates a HTTP response having Content-Type = text/javascript

  64. class JsContext extends AjaxContext

  65. case class JsDelta(when: Long, js: JsCmd) extends Delta with Product with Serializable

  66. class JsonContext extends AjaxContext

  67. case class JsonResponse(json: JsExp, headers: List[(String, String)], cookies: List[HTTPCookie], code: Int) extends LiftResponse with Product with Serializable

  68. abstract class LiftActorJWithListenerManager extends LiftActorJ with ListenerManager

    A LiftActorJ with ListenerManager.

  69. trait LiftCometActor extends TypedActor[Any, Any] with ForwardableActor[Any, Any] with Dependent

  70. class LiftFilter extends ServletFilterProvider

  71. trait LiftResponse extends AnyRef

  72. class LiftRules extends Factory with FormVendor with LazyLoggable

    LiftRules is the global object that holds all of Lift's configuration.

  73. class LiftRulesJ extends AnyRef

  74. class LiftRulesJBridge extends AnyRef

  75. sealed trait LiftRulesMocker extends AnyRef

  76. trait LiftScreen extends AbstractScreen with StatefulSnippet with ScreenWizardRendered

  77. class LiftServlet extends Loggable

  78. class LiftSession extends LiftMerge with Loggable with HowStateful

    The LiftSession class containg the session state information

  79. trait LiftView extends AnyRef

    The preferred way to do lift views.

  80. case class Listen(when: Long, uniqueId: ListenerId, action: (AnswerRender) ⇒ Unit) extends CometMessage with Product with Serializable

  81. case class ListenerId(id: Long) extends Product with Serializable

  82. trait ListenerManager extends AnyRef

    This trait manages a set of Actors in a publish/subscribe pattern.

  83. trait MVCHelper extends DispatchPF

    Mix this trait into a class to provide support for MVC style coding.

  84. trait MemoizeTransform extends (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq

    Memoize the CSS Selector Transform and the most recent NodeSeq sent to the NodeSeq => NodeSeq so that when applyAgain() is called, the NodeSeq most recently used in apply() is used.

  85. class MessageState extends RedirectState

  86. case class MethodNotAllowedResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults with Product with Serializable

    405 Method Not Allowed

  87. trait MigratorySession extends HowStateful

    Sessions that include this trait will only have access to the container's state via ContainerVars.

  88. trait NamedCometActorSnippet extends AnyRef

    This trait adds a named comet actor on the page.

  89. trait NamedCometActorTrait extends CometActor with Loggable

  90. class NamedCometDispatcher extends LiftActor with Loggable

    This class keeps a list of comet actors that need to update the UI

  91. case class NoContentResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults with Product with Serializable

    204 response but without body.

  92. trait NodeResponse extends LiftResponse

  93. final case class NodeSeqFunc(f: (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq) extends NodeSeqFuncOrSeqNodeSeqFunc with Product with Serializable

  94. sealed trait NodeSeqFuncOrSeqNodeSeqFunc extends (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq

  95. final case class NormalParamHolder(name: String, value: String) extends ParamHolder with Product with Serializable

  96. case class NotAcceptableResponse(msg: String) extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults with Product with Serializable

    406 Not Acceptable

  97. sealed trait NotFound extends AnyRef

  98. final case class NotFoundAsNode(node: NodeSeq) extends NotFound with Product with Serializable

  99. final case class NotFoundAsResponse(response: LiftResponse) extends NotFound with Product with Serializable

  100. final case class NotFoundAsTemplate(path: ParsePath) extends NotFound with Product with Serializable

  101. case class NotFoundResponse(message: String) extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults with Product with Serializable

    404 Not Found

  102. case class NotImplementedResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults with Product with Serializable

    501 Not Implemented

  103. case class Notice(id: Box[String], msg: NodeSeq) extends CometMessage with Product with Serializable

  104. case class OkResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults with Product with Serializable

    200 response but without body.

  105. final case class OldHtmlProperties(userAgent: Box[String]) extends HtmlProperties with Product with Serializable

    This set of properties is based on Lift's current XHTML support

  106. class OnDiskFileParamHolder extends FileParamHolder

    This FileParamHolder stores the uploaded file in a temporary file on disk.

  107. case class OpenSearchResponse(xml: Node, addlHeaders: List[(String, String)] = XmlResponse.addlHeaders) extends XmlNodeResponse with Product with Serializable

    Returning an OpenSearch Description Document.

  108. case class OutputStreamResponse(out: (OutputStream) ⇒ Unit, size: Long, headers: List[(String, String)], cookies: List[HTTPCookie], code: Int) extends BasicResponse with Product with Serializable

    Use this response to write your data directly to the response pipe.

  109. trait Paginator[T] extends Loggable

    Base class for things that require pagination.

  110. trait PaginatorSnippet[T] extends Paginator[T]

    This is the paginator snippet.

  111. final case class ParamCalcInfo(paramNames: List[String], params: Map[String, List[String]], uploadedFiles: List[FileParamHolder], body: Box[BodyOrInputStream]) extends Product with Serializable

  112. sealed trait ParamHolder extends Serializable

  113. case class ParsePath(partPath: List[String], suffix: String, absolute: Boolean, endSlash: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    The representation of an URI path

  114. case class PartialUpdateMsg(cmd: () ⇒ JsCmd) extends CometMessage with Product with Serializable

  115. case class PerformSetupComet2(initialReq: Box[Req]) extends CometMessage with Product with Serializable

  116. case class PermRedirectResponse(uri: String, request: Req, cookies: HTTPCookie*) extends LiftResponse with Product with Serializable

    301 Redirect.

  117. case class PlainTextResponse(text: String, headers: List[(String, String)], code: Int) extends LiftResponse with Product with Serializable

  118. case class ReRender(doAll: Boolean) extends CometMessage with Product with Serializable

  119. case class RedirectResponse(uri: String, request: Req, cookies: HTTPCookie*) extends LiftResponse with Product with Serializable


  120. case class RedirectState(func: Box[() ⇒ Unit], msgs: (String, Value)*) extends Product with Serializable

  121. class RedirectWithState extends RedirectResponse

  122. case class RemoveAListener(who: SimpleActor[Any]) extends Product with Serializable

    This is a message class for use with ListenerManager and CometListener instances.

  123. trait RenderDispatch extends AnyRef

    Mix this into a StatefulSnippet if you want a defined render method.

  124. trait RenderFuncDispatch extends AnyRef

    Mix this into a StatefulSnippet if you want a defined render method.

  125. case class RenderOut(xhtml: Box[NodeSeq], fixedXhtml: Box[NodeSeq], script: Box[JsCmd], destroyScript: Box[JsCmd], ignoreHtmlOnJs: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    The RenderOut case class contains the rendering for the CometActor.

  126. class Req extends HasParams with UserAgentCalculator

    Contains request information

  127. abstract class RequestMemoize[K, V] extends MemoizeVar[K, V]

    Memoize a value for the duration of the current request (and subsequent Ajax requests made as a result of viewing the page)

  128. abstract class RequestType extends Serializable

  129. abstract class RequestVar[T] extends util.AnyVar[T, RequestVar[T]] with HasLogUnreadVal

    A typesafe container for data with a lifetime nominally equivalent to the lifetime of a page rendered by an HTTP request.

  130. trait RequestVarSnapshotGroup extends AnyRef

    Create case objects that implement this trait and use the case objects to denote specific SnapshotGroups for RequestVars

  131. case class ResetContentResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults with Product with Serializable

    205 response but without body.

  132. final case class ResponseShortcutException(_response: () ⇒ LiftResponse, redirectTo: Box[String], doNotices: Boolean) extends LiftFlowOfControlException with Product with Serializable

  133. case class ResponseWithReason(response: LiftResponse, reason: String) extends LiftResponse with Product with Serializable

    Wraps a LiftResponse along with a HTTP reason-phrase.

  134. final case class RewriteRequest(path: ParsePath, requestType: RequestType, httpRequest: HTTPRequest) extends Product with Serializable

    This case class is used for pattern matching.

  135. final case class RewriteResponse(path: ParsePath, params: Map[String, String], stopRewriting: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  136. trait S extends HasParams with Loggable with UserAgentCalculator

    An object representing the current state of the HTTP request and response.

  137. trait SHtml extends AnyRef

    The SHtml object defines a suite of XHTML element generator methods to simplify the creation of markup, particularly with forms and AJAX.

  138. class SHtmlJ extends AnyRef

  139. class SHtmlJBridge extends AnyRef

  140. class SJ extends AnyRef

  141. class SJBridge extends AnyRef

  142. case class ScreenFieldInfo(field: BaseField, text: NodeSeq, help: Box[NodeSeq], input: Box[NodeSeq], binding: Box[FieldBinding], transforms: List[(BaseField) ⇒ (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq]) extends Product with Serializable

  143. trait ScreenWizardRendered extends AnyRef

  144. case class SeeOtherResponse(uri: String, request: Req, cookies: HTTPCookie*) extends LiftResponse with Product with Serializable


  145. final case class SeqNodeSeqFunc(f: Seq[(NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq]) extends NodeSeqFuncOrSeqNodeSeqFunc with Product with Serializable

  146. case class ServiceUnavailableResponse(retryAfter: Long) extends LiftResponse with Product with Serializable

    503 Bad Gateway

  147. case class SessionInfo(session: LiftSession, userAgent: Box[String], ipAddress: Box[String], requestCnt: Int, lastAccess: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    Information about sessions

  148. abstract class SessionMemoize[K, V] extends MemoizeVar[K, V]

    Memoize a value for the duration of the user's session

  149. abstract class SessionVar[T] extends util.AnyVar[T, SessionVar[T]] with LazyLoggable

    A typesafe container for data with a lifetime nominally equivalent to the lifetime of HttpSession attributes.

  150. case class SessionWatcherInfo(sessions: Map[String, SessionInfo]) extends Product with Serializable

  151. trait SimpleController extends AnyRef

    The base trait of Controllers that handle pre-view requests

  152. trait SimpleStateful extends StatefulSnippet with Whence with RenderFuncDispatch

    The simple composition of StatefulSnippet, Whence and RenderFuncDispatch.

  153. trait SimpleStatelessBehavior extends StatelessBehavior

    A simpler way to define behavior if the snippet is invoked.

  154. abstract class SnapshotRequestVar[T] extends RequestVar[T]

    This subclass of RequestVars that allow the specification of a RequestVarSnapshotGroup.

  155. class SnippetExecutionException extends SnippetFailureException

    Throw this exception if there's a catostrophic failure executing a snippet

  156. abstract class SnippetFailureException extends LiftFlowOfControlException

    An abstract exception that may be thrown during page rendering.

  157. abstract class SnippetPFJ extends AnyRef

  158. trait SortedPaginator[T, C] extends Paginator[T]

    In many situations you'll want to sort things in your paginated view.

  159. trait SortedPaginatorSnippet[T, C] extends SortedPaginator[T, C] with PaginatorSnippet[T]

    This trait adds snippet functionality for sorted paginators.

  160. class StateInStatelessException extends SnippetFailureException

  161. trait StatefulComet extends CometActor

  162. trait StatefulSnippet extends DispatchSnippet

    The same StatefulSnippet instance is used across a given page rendering.

  163. trait StatefulSortedPaginatorSnippet[T, C] extends SortedPaginatorSnippet[T, C]

    Sort your paginated views by using lifts functions mapping.

  164. trait StatelessBehavior extends AnyRef

    Mix this snippet into any snippet.

  165. final case class StatelessReqTest(path: List[String], httpReq: HTTPRequest) extends Product with Serializable

    The data structure that contains information to determine if the request should be treated as a stateful or stateless request

  166. trait StatelessSession extends HowStateful

    Sessions that include this trait will not be retained past the current request and will give notifications of failure if stateful features of Lift are accessed

  167. final case class StreamingResponse(data: AnyRef { def read(buf: Array[Byte]): Int }, onEnd: () ⇒ Unit, size: Long, headers: List[(String, String)], cookies: List[HTTPCookie], code: Int) extends BasicResponse with Product with Serializable

  168. trait StringField extends FieldIdentifier with StringValidators

  169. case class TemporaryRedirectResponse(uri: String, request: Req, cookies: HTTPCookie*) extends LiftResponse with Product with Serializable

    307 Redirect.

  170. abstract class TransientRequestMemoize[K, V] extends MemoizeVar[K, V]

    Memoize a value for the duration of the current HTTP request

  171. abstract class TransientRequestVar[T] extends util.AnyVar[T, TransientRequestVar[T]] with HasLogUnreadVal

    A typesafe container for data with a lifetime strictly equal to the processing of a single HTTP request.

  172. trait TransientSnippet extends AnyRef

    This trait indicates if the snippet instance should be kept around for the duration of the Request.

  173. class UnauthorizedDigestResponse extends UnauthorizedResponse

    401 Unauthorized Response.

  174. case class UnauthorizedResponse(realm: String) extends LiftResponse with Product with Serializable

    401 Unauthorized Response.

  175. case class UnknownRequest(method: String) extends RequestType with Product with Serializable

  176. case class Unlisten(uniqueId: ListenerId) extends CometMessage with Product with Serializable

  177. case class UnsupportedMediaTypeResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults with Product with Serializable

    415 Resource Gone

  178. case class UpdateDefaultXml(xml: NodeSeq) extends CometMessage with Product with Serializable

    Update the comet XML on each page reload in dev mode

  179. trait UserAgentCalculator extends AnyRef

  180. class VarsJ extends AnyRef

  181. class VarsJBridge extends AnyRef

    The bridge between Scala *Vars implementations and the

  182. class VectorPar2_8_x extends AnyRef


  183. case class Warning(id: Box[String], msg: NodeSeq) extends CometMessage with Product with Serializable

  184. trait Whence extends AnyRef

    Mix this trait into a snippet class so that you have a convenient value to redirect back to (whence).

  185. case class XHTMLValidationError(msg: String, line: Int, col: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  186. final case class XHtmlInHtml5OutProperties(userAgent: Box[String]) extends HtmlProperties with Product with Serializable

    If you're going to use HTML5 out, but want XHTML in (so you can have mixed case snippet tags and you don't get the Html5 parsers obnoxious table behavior), then this is the set of properties to use

  187. trait XHtmlValidator extends (Node) ⇒ List[XHTMLValidationError]

  188. case class XhtmlResponse(out: Node, __docType: Box[String], _headers: List[(String, String)], cookies: List[HTTPCookie], code: Int, renderInIEMode: Boolean) extends NodeResponse with Product with Serializable

  189. case class XmlMimeResponse(xml: Node, mime: String, addlHeaders: List[(String, String)] = XmlResponse.addlHeaders) extends XmlNodeResponse with Product with Serializable

    Allows you to create custom 200 responses for clients using different Content-Types.

  190. trait XmlNodeResponse extends LiftResponse

  191. class XmlResponse extends XmlNodeResponse

  192. case class registerCometActor(actor: CometActor, name: Box[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    These are the message we pass around to register each named comet actor with a dispatcher that only updates the specific version it monitors

  193. case class unregisterCometActor(actor: CometActor) extends Product with Serializable

  194. trait CometListenee extends CometListener

    This is a legacy trait, left over from Lift's Scala 2.

  195. abstract class JsonHandler extends AnyRef

    Used to handles JSON requests

Value Members

  1. object AddAListener extends Serializable

  2. object AjaxContext extends Serializable

  3. object AjaxType extends Enumeration

  4. object AnyVar

  5. object AppXmlResponse

  6. object AskRender extends CometMessage with Product with Serializable

  7. object Bindings

    A collection of types and implicit transformations used to allow composition of page elements based upon the types of rendered objects.

  8. object CSSResponse extends Serializable

  9. object ClearNotices extends CometMessage with Product with Serializable

  10. object ContainerSerializer

  11. object ContentType extends Serializable

    The ContentType companion object that has helper methods for parsing Accept headers and other things that contain multiple ContentType information.

  12. object ContinueResponseException extends Serializable

  13. object CreatedResponse extends Serializable

    201 Created Response

  14. object CurrentCometActor extends ThreadGlobal[LiftCometActor]

  15. object CurrentHTTPReqResp extends ThreadGlobal[(HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse)]

    A ThreadGlobal containing the low-level HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse instances Set very, very early.

  16. object CurrentReq extends ThreadGlobal[Req]

    A Thread-global containing the current Req.

  17. object DefaultNotFound extends NotFound with Product with Serializable

  18. object DefaultRoutines

    Many routines in Lift can be customized in LiftRules, but have default behaviors.

  19. object DeleteRequest extends RequestType with Product with Serializable

  20. object DoRedirectResponse

  21. object DocType

    Stock XHTML doctypes available to the lift programmer.

  22. object Error extends Serializable

  23. object FieldBinding extends Serializable

  24. object FileParamHolder extends Serializable

  25. object ForbiddenResponse extends Serializable

  26. object GUIDJsExp

    The companion object for GUIDJsExp that does helpful implicit conversions.

  27. object GetRequest extends RequestType with Product with Serializable

  28. object HeadRequest extends RequestType with Product with Serializable

  29. object Html5ElemAttr

  30. object JavaScriptResponse extends Serializable

  31. object JsonResponse extends Serializable

  32. object LiftRules extends LiftRulesMocker

    The Lift configuration singleton

  33. object LiftRulesMocker

  34. object LiftScreenRules extends Factory with FormVendor

  35. object LiftSession

  36. object ListenerManager

  37. object MessageState extends Serializable

  38. object NamedCometListener extends Loggable

    Maintain a Map[Value the actor monitors -> Ref to the Actor Dispatcher]

  39. object NodeSeqFuncOrSeqNodeSeqFunc

  40. object NotAcceptableResponse extends Serializable

  41. object NotFoundResponse extends Serializable

  42. object Notice extends Serializable

  43. object NoticeType extends Serializable

    Defines the notices types

  44. object OnDiskFileParamHolder extends Serializable

  45. object OptionsRequest extends RequestType with Product with Serializable

  46. object OutputStreamResponse extends Serializable

  47. object PageName extends RequestVar[String]

  48. object PlainTextResponse extends Serializable

  49. object PostRequest extends RequestType with Product with Serializable

  50. object PutRequest extends RequestType with Product with Serializable

  51. object Qop extends Enumeration

  52. object RedirectResponse extends Serializable

    Companion object to RedirectResponse

  53. object RedirectState extends Serializable

  54. object RedirectWithState extends Serializable

  55. object Req

    Helper object for constructing Req instances

  56. object RequestType extends Serializable

  57. object RequestVar

    The companion object to RequestVars

  58. object ResourceServer

  59. object ResponseShortcutException extends Serializable

  60. object RewriteResponse extends Serializable

    Maintains the context of resolving the URL when cookies are disabled from container.

  61. object S extends S

    An object representing the current state of the HTTP request and response.

  62. object SHtml extends SHtml

    The SHtml object defines a suite of XHTML element generator methods to simplify the creation of markup, particularly with forms and AJAX.

  63. object ScreenFieldInfo extends Serializable

  64. object SeeOtherResponse extends Serializable

    Companion object to RedirectResponse

  65. object SessionMaster extends LiftActor with Loggable

    Manages LiftSessions because the servlet container is less than optimal at timing sessions out.

  66. object ShutDown extends Product with Serializable

    The response from a page saying that it's been rendered

  67. object ShutdownIfPastLifespan extends CometMessage with Product with Serializable

  68. object StrictXHTML1_0Validator extends GenericValidator

  69. object Templates

    Contains functions for obtaining templates

  70. object TransientSnippet

    The companion object to the TransientSnippet trait

  71. object TransitionalXHTML1_0Validator extends GenericValidator

  72. object URLRewriter

  73. object UnauthorizedDigestResponse extends Serializable

    Companion object with builder

  74. object UserAgentCalculator extends Factory

  75. object Warning extends Serializable

  76. object WiringUI

    Surface a user interface on top of Wiring

  77. object XmlResponse

  78. package auth

  79. package jquery

  80. package js

  81. package provider

  82. package rest

  83. package testing

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object ResponseInfo

    Avoid using this in favor of LiftRules.

  2. lazy val TemplateFinder: Templates.type


    (Since version 2.3) Use Templates

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
