Create an object or val that is a subclass of the FactoryMaker to generate factory for a particular class as well as define session and request specific vendors and use doWith to define the vendor just for the scope of the call.
Create an object or val that is a subclass of the FactoryMaker to generate factory for a particular class as well as define session and request specific vendors and use doWith to define the vendor just for the scope of the call.
You can change the mechanism by which the user agent for Chrome is calculated by doing the Factory thing with this object
The default regular expression for Chrome
The built-in mechanism for calculating Chrome
The built-in mechanism for calculating Firefox
The built-in mechanism for calculating IE
The built-in mechanism for calculating Safari
You can change the mechanism by which the user agent for Firefox is calculated by doing the Factory thing with this object
The default regular expression for Firefox
You can change the mechanism by which Lift calculates if the User-Agent represents an iPad.
You can change the mechanism by which Lift calculates if the User-Agent represents an iPhone.
You can change the mechanism by which the user agent for IE is calculated by doing the Factory thing with this object
The default regular expression for IE
Perform the injection for the given type.
Perform the injection for the given type. You can call: inject[Date] or inject[List[Map[String, PaymentThing]]]. The appropriate Manifest will be
Register a function that will inject for the given Manifest
Register a function that will inject for the given Manifest
You can change the mechanism by which the user agent for Safari is calculated by doing the Factory thing with this object
The default regular expression for Safari