Returns a Future containing a Full dispatcher or None for the @str key
Returns a Future containing a Full dispatcher or None for the @str key
A common use case for this method is if you are sending updates to comet actors from a rest endpoint, you do not want to create dispatchers if no comet is presently monitoring the @str key
Either returns or creates a dispatcher for the @str key
Maintain a Map[Value the actor monitors -> Ref to the Actor Dispatcher]
For a url like: http://hostnbame/index/?p=icecream If you name your actor based on the value of p For each flavor that users have on their urls, the map would be like: chocolate -> code.comet.CometClassNames@ea5e9e7 , vanilla -> code.comet.CometClassNames@wv9i7o3, etc
If we have the actor already on the Map, just return it, because it has to update the UI. If wee do not have this actor on our Map. create a new Dispatcher that will monitor this value, add it to our Map and return the Ref to this new dispatcher so it updates the UI