Send a message to the Actor
Asynchronous message send.
Asynchronous message send. Send-and-receive eventually. Waits on a Future for the reply message. If recevied within timout interval that is specified then it returns Some(result) and if a timeout has occured None.
Asynchronous message send.
Asynchronous message send. Send-and-receive eventually. Waits on a Future for the reply message. If recevied within the Actor default timeout interval then it returns Some(result) and if a timeout has occured None.
Compatible with Scala Actors' !? method
Compatible with Scala Actors' !? method
The locale for the session that created the CometActor
Override in sub-class to customise timeout for AJAX-requests to the comet-component for the specific comet
This is to react to comet-requests timing out.
This is to react to comet-requests timing out.
When the timeout specified in LiftRules#cometProcessingTimeout
occurs one may override
this to send a message to the user informing of the timeout.
Do NOT manipulate actor-state here. If you want to manipulate state, send the actor a new message.
Typical example would be:
override def cometTimeoutHandler(): JsCmd = { Alert("Timeout processing comet-request, timeout is: " + cometProcessingTimeout + "ms") }
Override in sub-class to customise timeout for the render()-method for the specific comet
This is to react to comet-actors timing out while initial rendering, calls to render().
This is to react to comet-actors timing out while initial rendering, calls to render().
When the timeout specified in LiftRules#cometRenderTimeout
occurs one may override
this to customise the output.
Do NOT manipulate actor-state here. If you want to manipulate state, send the actor a new message.
Typical example would be:
override def renderTimeoutHandler(): Box[NodeSeq] = { Full(<div>Comet {this.getClass} timed out, timeout is {cometRenderTimeout}ms</div>) }
Poke the CometActor and cause it to do a partial update Noop which will have the effect of causing the component to redisplay any Wiring elements on the component.
Poke the CometActor and cause it to do a partial update Noop which will have the effect of causing the component to redisplay any Wiring elements on the component. This method is Actor-safe and may be called from any thread, not just the Actor's message handler thread.
If the predicate cell changes, the Dependent will be notified
If the predicate cell changes, the Dependent will be notified
Is this CometActor going to capture the initial Req object? If yes, override this method and return true and override captureInitialReq to capture the Req.
Is this CometActor going to capture the initial Req object? If yes, override this method and return true and override captureInitialReq to capture the Req. Why have to explicitly ask for the Req? In order to send Req instances across threads, the Req objects must be snapshotted which is the process of reading the POST or PUT body from the HTTP request stream. We don't want to do this unless we have to, so by default the Req is not snapshotted/sent. But if you want it, you can have it.
Remove from all dependencies
Remove from all dependencies
Get a list of all the cells this Dependency depends on
Get a list of all the cells this Dependency depends on
The Cell notifies the Dependent of the dependency
The Cell notifies the Dependent of the dependency
The Cell notifies the Dependent of the removed dependency
The Cell notifies the Dependent of the removed dependency
(Since version 2.5) please used the correctly spelled unregisterFromAllDependencies