package field

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BinaryField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[Array[Byte], OwnerType] with MandatoryTypedField[Array[Byte]] with BinaryTypedField
  2. trait BinaryTypedField extends TypedField[Array[Byte]]
  3. class BooleanField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[Boolean, OwnerType] with MandatoryTypedField[Boolean] with BooleanTypedField
  4. trait BooleanTypedField extends TypedField[Boolean]
  5. class CountryField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends EnumField[OwnerType, Countries.type]
  6. class DateTimeField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[Calendar, OwnerType] with MandatoryTypedField[Calendar] with DateTimeTypedField
  7. trait DateTimeTypedField extends TypedField[Calendar]
  8. class DecimalField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[BigDecimal, OwnerType] with MandatoryTypedField[BigDecimal] with DecimalTypedField

    A field that maps to a decimal value.

    A field that maps to a decimal value. Decimal precision and rounding are controlled via the context parameter. The default value is zero.

    Using MathContext.UNLIMITED, whether explicitly or implicitly, means that no precision or scaling will be used for the SQL field definition; the default scale for DECIMAL is zero per the SQL standard, but the precision for DECIMAL is vendor-specific. For example, PostgreSQL uses maximum precision if it's not specified, but SQL Server uses a default precision of 18.

  9. trait DecimalTypedField extends NumericTypedField[BigDecimal]
  10. class DoubleField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[Double, OwnerType] with MandatoryTypedField[Double] with DoubleTypedField
  11. trait DoubleTypedField extends NumericTypedField[Double]
  12. class EmailField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends StringField[OwnerType] with EmailTypedField
  13. trait EmailTypedField extends TypedField[String]
  14. class EnumField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType], EnumType <: Enumeration] extends Field[field.EnumField.EnumType.Value, OwnerType] with MandatoryTypedField[field.EnumField.EnumType.Value] with EnumTypedField[EnumType]
  15. class EnumNameField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType], EnumType <: Enumeration] extends Field[field.EnumNameField.EnumType.Value, OwnerType] with MandatoryTypedField[field.EnumNameField.EnumType.Value] with EnumNameTypedField[EnumType]
  16. trait EnumNameTypedField [EnumType <: Enumeration] extends TypedField[field.EnumNameTypedField.EnumType.Value]
  17. trait EnumTypedField [EnumType <: Enumeration] extends TypedField[field.EnumTypedField.EnumType.Value]
  18. class IntField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[Int, OwnerType] with MandatoryTypedField[Int] with IntTypedField
  19. trait IntTypedField extends NumericTypedField[Int]
  20. class LocaleField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends StringField[OwnerType] with LocaleTypedField
  21. trait LocaleTypedField extends TypedField[String]
  22. class LongField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[Long, OwnerType] with MandatoryTypedField[Long] with LongTypedField
  23. trait LongTypedField extends NumericTypedField[Long]
  24. trait NumericTypedField [MyType] extends TypedField[MyType]
  25. class OptionalBinaryField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[Array[Byte], OwnerType] with OptionalTypedField[Array[Byte]] with BinaryTypedField
  26. class OptionalBooleanField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[Boolean, OwnerType] with OptionalTypedField[Boolean] with BooleanTypedField
  27. class OptionalCountryField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends OptionalEnumField[OwnerType, Countries.type]
  28. class OptionalDateTimeField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[Calendar, OwnerType] with OptionalTypedField[Calendar] with DateTimeTypedField
  29. class OptionalDecimalField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[BigDecimal, OwnerType] with OptionalTypedField[BigDecimal] with DecimalTypedField

    A field that maps to a decimal value.

    A field that maps to a decimal value. Decimal precision and rounding are controlled via the context parameter. The default value is zero.

    Using MathContext.UNLIMITED, whether explicitly or implicitly, means that no precision or scaling will be used for the SQL field definition; the default scale for DECIMAL is zero per the SQL standard, but the precision for DECIMAL is vendor-specific. For example, PostgreSQL uses maximum precision if it's not specified, but SQL Server uses a default precision of 18.

  30. class OptionalDoubleField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[Double, OwnerType] with OptionalTypedField[Double] with DoubleTypedField
  31. class OptionalEmailField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends OptionalStringField[OwnerType] with EmailTypedField
  32. class OptionalEnumField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType], EnumType <: Enumeration] extends Field[field.OptionalEnumField.EnumType.Value, OwnerType] with OptionalTypedField[field.OptionalEnumField.EnumType.Value] with EnumTypedField[EnumType]
  33. class OptionalEnumNameField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType], EnumType <: Enumeration] extends Field[field.OptionalEnumNameField.EnumType.Value, OwnerType] with OptionalTypedField[field.OptionalEnumNameField.EnumType.Value] with EnumNameTypedField[EnumType]
  34. class OptionalIntField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[Int, OwnerType] with OptionalTypedField[Int] with IntTypedField
  35. class OptionalLocaleField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends OptionalStringField[OwnerType] with LocaleTypedField
  36. class OptionalLongField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[Long, OwnerType] with OptionalTypedField[Long] with LongTypedField
  37. class OptionalPasswordField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[String, OwnerType] with OptionalTypedField[String] with PasswordTypedField
  38. class OptionalPostalCodeField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends OptionalStringField[OwnerType] with PostalCodeTypedField
  39. class OptionalStringField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[String, OwnerType] with OptionalTypedField[String] with StringTypedField
  40. class OptionalTextareaField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends OptionalStringField[OwnerType] with TextareaTypedField
  41. class OptionalTimeZoneField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends OptionalStringField[OwnerType] with TimeZoneTypedField
  42. class PasswordField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[String, OwnerType] with MandatoryTypedField[String] with PasswordTypedField
  43. trait PasswordTypedField extends TypedField[String]
  44. class PostalCodeField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends StringField[OwnerType] with PostalCodeTypedField
  45. trait PostalCodeTypedField extends StringTypedField
  46. class StringField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends Field[String, OwnerType] with MandatoryTypedField[String] with StringTypedField
  47. trait StringTypedField extends TypedField[String] with StringValidators
  48. class TextareaField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends StringField[OwnerType] with TextareaTypedField
  49. trait TextareaTypedField extends StringTypedField
  50. class TimeZoneField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends StringField[OwnerType] with TimeZoneTypedField
  51. trait TimeZoneTypedField extends StringTypedField
  52. abstract class UniqueIdField [OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends StringField[OwnerType]
