Build a Squeryl FieldMetaData for a particular field in a Record
Build a Squeryl FieldMetaData for a particular field in a Record
For records, the constructor must not be used directly when constructing Objects.
For records, the constructor must not be used directly when constructing Objects. Instead, the createRecord method must be called.
There needs to be a special handling for squeryl-record when single fields are selected.
There needs to be a special handling for squeryl-record when single fields are selected.
The problem was that record fields reference the record itself and thus Squeryl was of the opinion that the whole record should be returned, as well as the selected field. It is described in detail in this bug report:
By overriding this function, the reference to the record is excluded from the reference finding algorithm in Squeryl.
FieldMetaDataFactory that allows Squeryl to use Records as model objects.