Show a message msg in the element with id where for duration milliseconds and fade out in fadeout milliseconds
Fades in the element having the provided id, by waiting for the given duration and fading in during fadeTime and use @fadeTime
Fades out the element having the provided id, by waiting for the given duration and fading out during fadeTime
Hide an element identified by uid and the animation will last @time
Queues the JavaScript in cmd for execution when the document is ready for processing
Replaces the content of the node with the provided id with the markup given by content
Sets the inner HTML of the element denominated by the id
Requires the jQuery blockUI plugin
Show an element identified by uid
Use SetValueAndFocus from JsCmds
Append a NodeSeq to a node specified by uid using jQuery's append() method.
AppendTo a NodeSeq to a node specified by uid using jQuery's appendTo() method.
Replaces the children of the node at { @code uid } with { @code content }
The companion object to FadeIn that provides an alternative factory
The companion object to FadeOut that provides an alternative factory
Hide an element identified by uid.
Companion object for ModelDialog that provides two alternative factories
Prepends a NodeSeq to a node specified by uid using jQuery's prepend() method.
Prepends a NodeSeq to a node specified by uid using jQuery prependTo() method.
Show an element identified by uid.
Remove the jQuery.