A PartialFunction
that maps a snippet name, and an optional Loc
value, in a Tuple2
to a snippet function (NodeSeq
=> NodeSeq
A PartialFunction
that maps a snippet name, and an optional Loc
value, in a Tuple2
to a snippet function (NodeSeq
=> NodeSeq
The cached Loc params
The cached Loc params
A lazy val used to track statelessness for non-dev mode.
A lazy val used to track statelessness for non-dev mode. By default, it calls calcStateless().
By default, this lazy val looks for the MenuCssClass LocParam and uses it.
By default, this lazy val looks for the MenuCssClass LocParam and uses it.
Calculate HREF to this item using currentValue
Calculate HREF to this item using currentValue
Given a value calculate the HREF to this item
Given a value calculate the HREF to this item
The snippets provided by LocParam
The snippets provided by LocParam
The method to calculate if this Loc is stateless.
The method to calculate if this Loc is stateless. By default looks for the Loc.Stateless Param
This method can be overridden to provide a template for this Loc
This method can be overridden to provide a template for this Loc
When the menu item is displayed, what CSS class do we add to the node?
When the menu item is displayed, what CSS class do we add to the node?
The current value of the cell: overrideValue or requestValue.
The current value of the cell: overrideValue or requestValue.is or defaultValue oe paramValue
Override this if the default request value should be something other than Empty
Override this if the default request value should be something other than Empty
Find the stateless calculation Loc params
Find the stateless calculation Loc params
The title of the location given the current value associated with this Loc
The title of the location given the current value associated with this Loc
The link text to be displayed for a value of type T
The link text to be displayed for a value of type T
The first Loc.
The first Loc.Template or Loc.ValueTemplate in the param list.
The first Loc.
The first Loc.Title in the param list.
The value of the Loc based on params (either Loc.
The value of the Loc based on params (either Loc.Value or Loc.CalcValue)
Calculate the Query parameters
Calculate the Query parameters
run the stateless calculation
run the stateless calculation
Look up a snippet by name, taking into account the current
Look up a snippet by name, taking into account the current
The snippets defined by the Loc
class itself, as opposed to those
provided by its LocParams
The snippets defined by the Loc
class itself, as opposed to those
provided by its LocParams
Is the Loc marked as Stateless (this will force rendering of the page into stateless mode)
Is the Loc marked as Stateless (this will force rendering of the page into stateless mode)
The template assocaited with this Loc, if any.
The template assocaited with this Loc, if any. Any Loc.Template or Loc.ValueTemplate parameter will take precedence over a value returned by the calcTemplate method.
The title of the location given the current value associated with this Loc.
The title of the location given the current value associated with this Loc. If no current value is available, this will use the name of this Loc as the title.
The title to be displayed for the value associated with this Loc.
The title to be displayed for the value associated with this Loc. Any Loc.Title parameter will take precedence over the value returned by the linkText method.