

class ListItem extends LineParsers

Helper class to build lists. Allows easy checking if an item ends with empty lines and recursively builds the content of an item.

Linear Supertypes
LineParsers, InlineParsers, BaseParsers, RegexParsers, Parsers, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. ListItem
  2. LineParsers
  3. InlineParsers
  4. BaseParsers
  5. RegexParsers
  6. Parsers
  7. AnyRef
  8. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new ListItem(lines: List[MarkdownLine], lookup: Map[String, LinkDefinition])

Type Members

  1. type Elem = Char

    Definition Classes
    RegexParsers → Parsers
  2. case class Error extends NoSuccess with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  3. case class Failure extends NoSuccess with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  4. case class InlineContext(map: LinkMap, tags: VisitedTags) extends Product with Serializable

    Keeps track of visited tags and provides a lookup for link ids.

  5. type Input = Reader[Elem]

    Definition Classes
  6. type LinkMap = Map[String, LinkDefinition]

    Defines a lookup map for link definitions.

    Defines a lookup map for link definitions.

    Definition Classes
  7. sealed abstract class NoSuccess extends ParseResult[Nothing]

    Definition Classes
  8. trait OnceParser[+T] extends Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
  9. sealed abstract class ParseResult[+T] extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  10. abstract class Parser[+T] extends (Input) ⇒ ParseResult[T]

    Definition Classes
  11. case class Success[+T] extends ParseResult[T] with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  12. type VisitedTags = Set[String]

    A set of tags we have already created.

    A set of tags we have already created. Used to prevent nesting a link in a link or an emphasis in an emphasis.

    Definition Classes
  13. case class ~[+a, +b] extends Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. def OnceParser[T](f: (Input) ⇒ ParseResult[T]): Parser[T] with OnceParser[T]

    Definition Classes
  7. def Parser[T](f: (Input) ⇒ ParseResult[T]): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
  8. def aChar: Parser[String]

    Definition Classes
  9. def accept[U](expected: String, f: PartialFunction[Elem, U]): Parser[U]

    Definition Classes
  10. def accept[ES](es: ES)(implicit arg0: (ES) ⇒ List[Elem]): Parser[List[Elem]]

    Definition Classes
  11. implicit def accept(e: Elem): Parser[Elem]

    Definition Classes
  12. def acceptIf(p: (Elem) ⇒ Boolean)(err: (Elem) ⇒ String): Parser[Elem]

    Definition Classes
  13. def acceptMatch[S, T](f: PartialFunction[S, T])(p: Parser[S]): Parser[T]

    Succeeds if the given parsers succeeds and the given function is defined at the parse result.

    Succeeds if the given parsers succeeds and the given function is defined at the parse result. Returns the result of the method applied to the given parsers result.

    Definition Classes
  14. def acceptMatch[U](expected: String, f: PartialFunction[Elem, U]): Parser[U]

    Definition Classes
  15. def acceptSeq[ES](es: ES)(implicit arg0: (ES) ⇒ Iterable[Elem]): Parser[List[Elem]]

    Definition Classes
  16. def addResult(level: Int, out: StringBuilder, paragraph_?: Boolean): Unit

  17. def any: Parser[String]

    Matches exactly one char, no matter which.

    Matches exactly one char, no matter which. This differs from "elem" as it returns a string consisting of that char.

    Definition Classes
  18. def apply[T](p: Parser[T], in: String): T

    Runs the given parser on the given input.

    Runs the given parser on the given input. Expects the parser to succeed and consume all input. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if parsing failed.

    Definition Classes
  19. def applyInline(s: String, m: LinkMap): String

    Runs the inline parser on the given input and returns the result

    Runs the inline parser on the given input and returns the result

    Definition Classes
  20. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  21. val atxHeader: Parser[AtxHeaderLine]

    Parses headers of the form: ### header ###

    Parses headers of the form: ### header ###

    Definition Classes
  22. val blockquoteLine: Parser[BlockQuoteLine]

    Matches a line starting with up to three spaces, a '>' and an optional whitespace.

    Matches a line starting with up to three spaces, a '>' and an optional whitespace. (i.e.: the start or continuation of a block quote.)

    Definition Classes
  23. val br: Parser[String]

    Parses two spaces at the end of a line to a manual break (

    Parses two spaces at the end of a line to a manual break (

    Definition Classes
  24. def chainl1[T, U](first: ⇒ Parser[T], p: ⇒ Parser[U], q: ⇒ Parser[(T, U) ⇒ T]): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
  25. def chainl1[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T], q: ⇒ Parser[(T, T) ⇒ T]): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
  26. def chainr1[T, U](p: ⇒ Parser[T], q: ⇒ Parser[(T, U) ⇒ U], combine: (T, U) ⇒ U, first: U): Parser[U]

    Definition Classes
  27. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  28. val code: Parser[String]

    Parses an inline code element.

    Parses an inline code element. An inline code element is surrounded by single backticks ("") or double backticks ("").

    Definition Classes
  29. val codeLine: Parser[CodeLine]

    Matches a code example line: any line starting with four spaces or a tab.

    Matches a code example line: any line starting with four spaces or a tab.

    Definition Classes
  30. def commit[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
  31. def deco(): Decorator

    Defines how the output is formatted and whether inline xml elements are allowed.

    Defines how the output is formatted and whether inline xml elements are allowed.

    Definition Classes
  32. val directImg: Parser[String]

    An image with an explicit path.

    An image with an explicit path.

    Definition Classes
  33. def elem(e: Elem): Parser[Elem]

    Definition Classes
  34. def elem(kind: String, p: (Elem) ⇒ Boolean): Parser[Elem]

    Definition Classes
  35. def elementParsers(ctx: InlineContext): Parser[String]

    Hand rolled parser that parses a chunk of special inline markdown (like links or emphasis) based on a one char lookahead.

    Hand rolled parser that parses a chunk of special inline markdown (like links or emphasis) based on a one char lookahead.

    Definition Classes
  36. def emAsterisk(ctx: InlineContext): Parser[String]

    Parses emphasized text wrapped in asterisks: *foo*

    Parses emphasized text wrapped in asterisks: *foo*

    Definition Classes
  37. def emUnderscore(ctx: InlineContext): Parser[String]

    Parses emphasized text wrapped in underscores: _foo_

    Parses emphasized text wrapped in underscores: _foo_

    Definition Classes
  38. val emptyLine: Parser[MarkdownLine]

    Accepts an empty line.

    Accepts an empty line. (A line that consists only of optional whitespace or the empty string.)

    Definition Classes
  39. val emptyOrCode: Parser[MarkdownLine]

    First tries if the line is empty, if not tries for a code line.

    First tries if the line is empty, if not tries for a code line.

    Definition Classes
  40. def endsWithNewline: Boolean

  41. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  42. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  43. def err(msg: String): Parser[Nothing]

    Definition Classes
  44. def escapeFastForXml(c: Char): String

    Either returns the XML escape sequence for the given char or null.

    Either returns the XML escape sequence for the given char or null. This does not return Option[String] on purpose. While Option[String] would be a much cleaner solution, this is actually called so often that it is a noticeable difference if we use Option here.

    Definition Classes
  45. def escapeForXml(c: Char): String

    Escapes the given char for XML.

    Escapes the given char for XML. Returns Either the necessary XML escape Sequence or the same char in a String.

    Definition Classes
  46. def escapeXml(s: String): String

    Escapes the given string so it it can be embedded in xml.

    Escapes the given string so it it can be embedded in xml. Markdown escapes are not processed.

    Definition Classes
  47. val extendedFencedCodeLine: Parser[ExtendedFencedCode]

    Matches the start of a fenced code block with additional language token: up to three spaces, three or more backticks, whitespace, an optional language token, optional whitespace

    Matches the start of a fenced code block with additional language token: up to three spaces, three or more backticks, whitespace, an optional language token, optional whitespace

    Definition Classes
  48. def failure(msg: String): Parser[Nothing]

    Definition Classes
  49. def fastLink(ctx: InlineContext): Parser[String]

    A shortcut markdown link of the form <http://example.

    A shortcut markdown link of the form <>

    Definition Classes
  50. val fencedCodeLine: Parser[FencedCode]

    A fenced code line.

    A fenced code line. Can be the start or the end of a fenced code block

    Definition Classes
  51. val fencedCodeStartOrEnd: Parser[MarkdownLine]

    Parses one of the fenced code lines

    Parses one of the fenced code lines

    Definition Classes
  52. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  53. def fullLink(ctx: InlineContext): Parser[String]

    A markdown link with the full url given.

    A markdown link with the full url given.

    Definition Classes
  54. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  55. def guard[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
  56. def handleWhiteSpace(source: CharSequence, offset: Int): Int

    Definition Classes
  57. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  58. def idReference(ctx: InlineContext): Parser[(String, LinkDefinition)]

    Parses an id reference.

    Parses an id reference. (Any text that is not a square bracket) Succeeds only if the parsed id is found in the given lookup. Returns the found link definition and the matched text.

    Definition Classes
  59. def img(ctx: InlineContext): Parser[String]

    Parses either a referenced or a directly defined image.

    Parses either a referenced or a directly defined image.

    Definition Classes
  60. def inline(m: LinkMap): Parser[String]

    Parser for inline markdown, always consumes all input, returns the resulting HTML.

    Parser for inline markdown, always consumes all input, returns the resulting HTML.

    Definition Classes
  61. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  62. val lines: List[MarkdownLine]

  63. def link(ctx: InlineContext): Parser[String]

    A link started by square brackets, either a reference or a a link with the full URL.

    A link started by square brackets, either a reference or a a link with the full URL.

    Definition Classes
  64. def linkDefinitionId: Parser[String]

    The Start of a link definition: the id in square brackets, optionally indented by three spaces

    The Start of a link definition: the id in square brackets, optionally indented by three spaces

    Definition Classes
  65. def linkDefinitionStart: Parser[(LinkDefinitionStart, Option[String])]

    A link definition that later gets stripped from the output.

    A link definition that later gets stripped from the output. Either a link definition on one line or the first line of a two line link definition.

    Definition Classes
  66. def linkDefinitionTitle: Parser[String]

    The title in a link definition.

    The title in a link definition.

    Definition Classes
  67. def linkDefinitionUrl: Parser[String]

    The link url in a link definition.

    The link url in a link definition.

    Definition Classes
  68. def linkInline(ctx: InlineContext): Parser[String]

    Inline markdown in a link.

    Inline markdown in a link. Like normal inline stuff but stops when it reaches a closing square bracket.

    Definition Classes
  69. implicit def literal(s: String): Parser[String]

    Definition Classes
  70. def log[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T])(name: String): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
  71. def lookbehind(cs: Set[Char]): Parser[Unit]

    Looks if the preceding char was one of the given chars.

    Looks if the preceding char was one of the given chars. Never consumes any input.

    Definition Classes
  72. def markdownText(special: Set[Char], markdownEscapes: Boolean): Parser[String]

    Parses markdown text up to any of the chars defined in the given map.

    Parses markdown text up to any of the chars defined in the given map. used to quickly escape any text between special inline markdown like emphasis.

    Definition Classes
  73. def mkList[T]: (~[T, List[T]]) ⇒ List[T]

    Definition Classes
  74. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  75. def nl: Parser[String]

    Accepts a unix newline and returns a string containing a single newline.

    Accepts a unix newline and returns a string containing a single newline.

    Definition Classes
  76. def not[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[Unit]

    Definition Classes
  77. def notXmlBlockEndLine: Parser[String]

    A line not starting with an xml end tag

    A line not starting with an xml end tag

    Definition Classes
  78. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  79. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  80. val oItemStartLine: Parser[OItemStartLine]

    A line that starts an ordered list item.

    A line that starts an ordered list item. Matches a line starting with up to three spaces followed by a number, a dot and a space, and any whitespace

    Definition Classes
  81. def oneInline(ctx: InlineContext): Parser[String]

    Parses a single inline token.

    Parses a single inline token. Either a span element or a chunk of text.

    Definition Classes
  82. def oneOf(lookup: Map[Char, String]): Parser[String]

    Matches one of the given char keys in the map.

    Matches one of the given char keys in the map. Returns the string value for the matched char in the given map.

    Definition Classes
  83. def oneOf(lookup: Set[Char]): Parser[String]

    Matches one of the chars in the given set.

    Matches one of the chars in the given set. Returns a string with the matched char.

    Definition Classes
  84. def opt[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[Option[T]]

    Definition Classes
  85. val otherLine: Parser[OtherLine]

    Matches any line.

    Matches any line. Only called when all other line parsers have failed. Makes sure line tokenizing does not fail and we do not loose any lines on the way.

    Definition Classes
  86. def ows: Parser[String]

    accepts zero or more spaces or tabs returns the matched whitespace

    accepts zero or more spaces or tabs returns the matched whitespace

    Definition Classes
  87. def parse[T](p: Parser[T], in: Reader): ParseResult[T]

    Definition Classes
  88. def parse[T](p: Parser[T], in: CharSequence): ParseResult[T]

    Definition Classes
  89. def parse[T](p: Parser[T], in: Reader[Char]): ParseResult[T]

    Definition Classes
  90. def parseAll[T](p: Parser[T], in: CharSequence): ParseResult[T]

    Definition Classes
  91. def parseAll[T](p: Parser[T], in: Reader): ParseResult[T]

    Definition Classes
  92. def parseAll[T](p: Parser[T], in: Reader[Char]): ParseResult[T]

    Definition Classes
  93. def phrase[T](p: Parser[T]): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
    RegexParsers → Parsers
  94. def positioned[T <: Positional](p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
    RegexParsers → Parsers
  95. def range(begin: Char, end: Char): Parser[Char]

    Matches one char in the given range, returns the matched char.

    Matches one char in the given range, returns the matched char.

    Definition Classes
  96. def ranges(rs: SortedMap[Char, Char]): Parser[Char]

    Definition Classes
  97. def ref(ctx: InlineContext): Parser[(LinkDefinition, String)]

    A markdown reference of the form [text][id], [idText][] or [idText] Parser returns a tuple with the link definition first and the text to display second.

    A markdown reference of the form [text][id], [idText][] or [idText] Parser returns a tuple with the link definition first and the text to display second.

    Definition Classes
  98. def refImg(ctx: InlineContext): Parser[String]

    Parses a referenced image.

    Parses a referenced image.

    Definition Classes
  99. val refText: Parser[String]

    Plaintext variant to refInline.

    Plaintext variant to refInline. Escapable text until a square bracket is hit.

    Definition Classes
  100. def referenceLink(ctx: InlineContext): Parser[String]

    A markdown link which references an url by id.

    A markdown link which references an url by id.

    Definition Classes
  101. implicit def regex(r: Regex): Parser[String]

    Definition Classes
  102. def rep[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]]

    Definition Classes
  103. def rep1[T](first: ⇒ Parser[T], p0: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]]

    Definition Classes

    (Changed in version 2.9.0) The p0 call-by-name arguments is evaluated at most once per constructed Parser object, instead of on every need that arises during parsing.

  104. def rep1[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]]

    Definition Classes
  105. def rep1sep[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T], q: ⇒ Parser[Any]): Parser[List[T]]

    Definition Classes
  106. def repN[T](num: Int, p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]]

    Definition Classes
  107. def repsep[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T], q: ⇒ Parser[Any]): Parser[List[T]]

    Definition Classes
  108. def rest: Parser[String]

    Matches everything in the parsed string up to the end.

    Matches everything in the parsed string up to the end. Also matches the empty String. Returns the matched String.

    Definition Classes
  109. val ruler: Parser[MarkdownLine]

    Parses a horizontal rule.

    Parses a horizontal rule.

    Definition Classes
  110. val rulerOrUItem: Parser[MarkdownLine]

    First tries for a ruler, then for an unordered list item start.

    First tries for a ruler, then for an unordered list item start.

    Definition Classes
  111. val setext2OrRulerOrUItem: Parser[MarkdownLine]

    First tries for a setext header level 2, then for a ruler.

    First tries for a setext header level 2, then for a ruler.

    Definition Classes
  112. val setextHeader1: Parser[SetExtHeaderLine]

    Parses the line under a setext style level 1 header: =====

    Parses the line under a setext style level 1 header: =====

    Definition Classes
  113. val setextHeader2: Parser[SetExtHeaderLine]

    Parses the line under a setext style level 2 header: -----

    Parses the line under a setext style level 2 header: -----

    Definition Classes
  114. def skipWhitespace: Boolean

    Whitespace is sometimes important in markdown parsing, we handle it manually.

    Whitespace is sometimes important in markdown parsing, we handle it manually. So this returns false.

    Definition Classes
    BaseParsers → RegexParsers
  115. def span(limiter: String, ctx: InlineContext): Parser[String]

    Parses a span element like foo or *bar*

    Parses a span element like foo or *bar*

    Definition Classes
  116. def spanAsterisk(ctx: InlineContext): Parser[String]

    Either an emphasis or a strong text wrapped in asterisks.

    Either an emphasis or a strong text wrapped in asterisks.

    Definition Classes
  117. def spanInline(end: Parser[Any], ctx: InlineContext): Parser[String]

    Parses inline in a span element like bold or emphasis or link up until the given end marker

    Parses inline in a span element like bold or emphasis or link up until the given end marker

    Definition Classes
  118. def spanUnderscore(ctx: InlineContext): Parser[String]

    Either an emphasis or strong text wrapped in underscores.

    Either an emphasis or strong text wrapped in underscores.

    Definition Classes
  119. val specialInlineChars: Set[Char]

    Chars that may indicate the start of a special Markdown inline sequence.

    Chars that may indicate the start of a special Markdown inline sequence.

    Definition Classes
  120. val specialLinkInlineChars: Set[Char]

    Chars that may indicate the start of a special markdown inline sequence or the end of a link text.

    Chars that may indicate the start of a special markdown inline sequence or the end of a link text.

    Definition Classes
  121. def strongAsterisk(ctx: InlineContext): Parser[String]

    Parses strong text in asterisks: **foo**

    Parses strong text in asterisks: **foo**

    Definition Classes
  122. def strongUnderscore(ctx: InlineContext): Parser[String]

    Parses strong text in underscores: foo

    Parses strong text in underscores: foo

    Definition Classes
  123. def success[T](v: T): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
  124. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  125. val title: Parser[Option[String]]

    A title is everything in quotation marks.

    A title is everything in quotation marks. We allow even quotation marks in quotation marks. We look ahead if we hit the closing brace after the quotation marks to detect if the title ends or not.

    Definition Classes
  126. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  127. val uItemStartLine: Parser[UItemStartLine]

    A line that starts an unordered list item.

    A line that starts an unordered list item. Matches a line starting with up to three spaces followed by an asterisk, a space, and any whitespace.

    Definition Classes
  128. val url: Parser[String]

    We parse everything as a link/img url until we hit whitespace or a closing brace.

    We parse everything as a link/img url until we hit whitespace or a closing brace.

    Definition Classes
  129. def verboseString(c: Char): String

    Returns a verbose description of a char (printed char & hex code).

    Returns a verbose description of a char (printed char & hex code). Used for debugging.

    Definition Classes
  130. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  131. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  132. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  133. val whiteSpace: Regex

    Definition Classes
  134. def ws: Parser[String]

    accepts one or more spaces or tabs returns the matched whitespace

    accepts one or more spaces or tabs returns the matched whitespace

    Definition Classes
  135. def xmlAttr: Parser[String]

    Parses an XML Attribute with simplified value handling like xmlAttrVal.

    Parses an XML Attribute with simplified value handling like xmlAttrVal.

    Definition Classes
  136. def xmlAttrVal: Parser[String]

    Parses a Simplified xml attribute: everything between quotes ("foo") everything between the quotes is run through the escape handling That way you can omit xml escaping when writing inline XML in markdown.

    Parses a Simplified xml attribute: everything between quotes ("foo") everything between the quotes is run through the escape handling That way you can omit xml escaping when writing inline XML in markdown.

    Definition Classes
  137. def xmlBlockEndLine: Parser[String]

    A line that ends an xml block: a line starting with an xml end tag

    A line that ends an xml block: a line starting with an xml end tag

    Definition Classes
  138. def xmlBlockStartLine: Parser[String]

    A line that starts an xml block: an opening xml element fragment.

    A line that starts an xml block: an opening xml element fragment.

    Definition Classes
  139. def xmlEndTag: Parser[String]

    Parses closing xml tags.

    Parses closing xml tags.

    Definition Classes
  140. def xmlName: Parser[String]

    Parses an XML name (tag or attribute name)

    Parses an XML name (tag or attribute name)

    Definition Classes
  141. def xmlNameChar: Parser[Char]

    Parses an XML name char according to W3C spec except that range #x10000 to #xEFFFF is excluded

    Parses an XML name char according to W3C spec except that range #x10000 to #xEFFFF is excluded

    Definition Classes
  142. val xmlNameCharRanges: SortedMap[Char, Char]

    Definition Classes
  143. def xmlNameStartChar: Parser[Char]

    Parser for one char that starts an XML name.

    Parser for one char that starts an XML name. According to W3C specs except that range #x10000 to #xEFFFF is excluded (cannot be expressed by char literals)

    Definition Classes
  144. val xmlNameStartCharRanges: SortedMap[Char, Char]

    Definition Classes
  145. def xmlStartOrEmptyTag: Parser[String]

    Parses an xml start or empty tag, attribute values are escaped.

    Parses an xml start or empty tag, attribute values are escaped.

    Definition Classes
  146. val xmlTag: Parser[String]

    Parses any xml tag and escapes attribute values.

    Parses any xml tag and escapes attribute values.

    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def lastNoSuccess: NoSuccess

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.10.0) lastNoSuccess was not thread-safe and will be removed in 2.11.0

  2. def lastNoSuccess_=(x: NoSuccess): Unit

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.10.0) lastNoSuccess was not thread-safe and will be removed in 2.11.0

Inherited from LineParsers

Inherited from InlineParsers

Inherited from BaseParsers

Inherited from RegexParsers

Inherited from Parsers

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
