Retrieves schema name where the unqualified db objects are searched.
Convenience function to be passed to schemify.
Convenience function to be passed to schemify. Will log executed statements at the info level using Schemifier's logger
Convenience function to be passed to schemify.
Convenience function to be passed to schemify. Will not log any executed statements
Modify database specified in dbId so it matches the structure specified in the MetaMappers
Modify database specified in dbId so it matches the structure specified in the MetaMappers
if false, will not write any changes to the database, only collect them
if true, will only check tables and columns, not indexes and constraints. Useful if schema is maintained outside Lift, but still needs structure to be in sync
A function that will be called for each statement being executed if performWrite == true
The ConnectionIdentifier to be used
The MetaMapper instances to check
The list of statements needed to bring the database in a consistent state. This list is created even if performWrite=false
Given a list of MetaMappers, make sure the database has the right schema