A function that returns a sequence of children from storage.
A function that gets the MappedForeignKey on the child that refers to this parent
(Changed in version 2.8.0) ++
creates a new buffer. Use ++=
to add an element from this buffer and return that buffer itself.
(Changed in version 2.8.0) -
creates a new buffer. Use -=
to remove an element from this buffer and return that buffer itself.
(Changed in version 2.8.0) -
creates a new buffer. Use -=
to remove an element from this buffer and return that buffer itself.
(Changed in version 2.8.0) --
creates a new buffer. Use --=
to remove an element from this buffer and return that buffer itself.
Returns the backing List
A function that gets the MappedForeignKey on the child that refers to this parent
Takes ownership of e.
Takes ownership of e. Sets e's foreign key to our primary key
Reloads the children from storage.
Reloads the children from storage. NOTE: This may leave children in an inconsistent state. It is recommended to call save or clear() before calling refresh.
A function that returns a sequence of children from storage.
Saves this "field," i.
Saves this "field," i.e., all the children it represents. Returns false as soon as save on a child returns false. Returns true if all children were saved successfully.
(Changed in version 2.9.0) The behavior of scanRight
has changed. The previous behavior can be reproduced with scanRight.reverse.
(Changed in version 2.9.0) transpose
throws an IllegalArgumentException
if collections are not uniformly sized.
Relinquishes ownership of e.
Relinquishes ownership of e. Resets e's foreign key to its default value.
This is the base class to use for fields that represent one-to-many or parent-child relationships. Maintains a list of children, tracking pending additions and deletions, and keeping their foreign key pointed to this mapper. Implements Buffer, so the children can be managed as one. Most users will use MappedOneToMany, however to support children from multiple tables it is necessary to use MappedOneToManyBase.