Makes an Ajax request using lift's Ajax path and the request attributes described by data parameter
Makes an Ajax request using lift's Ajax path and the request attributes described by data parameter
Makes a Ajax comet request using lift's Comet path and the request attributes described by data parameter
Makes a Ajax comet request using lift's Comet path and the request attributes described by data parameter
Fades out the element having the provided id, by waiting for the given duration and fades out during fadeTime
Fades out the element having the provided id, by waiting for the given duration and fades out during fadeTime
Converts a form denominated by formId into a JSON object
Converts a form denominated by formId into a JSON object
Hides the element denominated by id
Hides the element denominated by id
Transforms a JSON object in to its string representation
Transforms a JSON object in to its string representation
Sets the JavScript that will be executed when document is ready for processing
Sets the JavScript that will be executed when document is ready for processing
Rewrites the incomming path with the actual script path
Rewrites the incomming path with the actual script path
Replaces the content of the node with the provided id with the markup given by content
Replaces the content of the node with the provided id with the markup given by content
Serializes a form denominated by the id.
Serializes a form denominated by the id. It returns a query string containing the fields that are to be submitted
Sets the inner HTML of the element denominated by the id
Sets the inner HTML of the element denominated by the id
Shows the element denominated by this id
Shows the element denominated by this id
Shows the element denominated by id and puts the focus on it
Shows the element denominated by id and puts the focus on it
Toggles between current JS object and the object denominated by id
Toggles between current JS object and the object denominated by id