case classCookieHolder(inCookies: List[HTTPCookie], outCookies: List[HTTPCookie]) extends Product with Serializable
The CookieHolder class holds information about cookies to be sent during
the session, as well as utility methods for adding and deleting cookies. It
is used internally.
See also
# findCookie
# responseCookies
# receivedCookies
# deleteCookie
# addCookie
# _init
# _responseCookies
Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, AnyRef, Any
The CookieHolder class holds information about cookies to be sent during the session, as well as utility methods for adding and deleting cookies. It is used internally.
# findCookie
# responseCookies
# receivedCookies
# deleteCookie
# addCookie
# _init
# _responseCookies